Prejudices about the zodiac sign of Scorpio

Italian version

The Zodiac is an impartial entity that symbolically reflects various qualities of being. It is important to note that no inherently good or bad zodiac signs exist. The values associated with each sign are contingent on the particular social context and culture. The characteristics that may appear negative in one context may not be viewed as such in another. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to interpret certain zodiac signs selfishly and exclusively, thus disadvantaging others.

Consider Scorpio, a sign with a global function of transformation and rebirth, often associated with destruction. Recognising that the latter association is not inherent to the sign itself is essential. Instead, it arises from a limited and selfish perspective that prevents individuals from appreciating the transformative potential of Scorpio. When viewed this way, selfishness can limit individuals’ ability to transform, leading them to become mired in a destructive phase that hinders their progress on the evolutionary plane.

For example, the astrological sign of Scorpio has been associated with the surgical profession, as the surgeon’s role is to restore organic functionality with a scalpel by partially eliminating or restoring defective organs, thereby allowing the patient to continue their life course. However, the same principle of action applies to the one who stabs in a fight, perhaps an evil Scorpio. The difference is that the surgeon exerts a curative action, and the stabber is potentially deadly because their instincts limit them.

While the given examples are extreme, the concept remains valid for all Scorpio manifestations that replace the principle of transformation with the much more limited one of destruction.