Astrology is the unity between the human being and the cosmos

Italian version

In a previous post, I explained that astrology treats human consciousness and the cosmos as a single process. The term ‘cosmos’ comes from the Greek language and etymologically denotes the order that consciousness imposes on the pre-existing ‘chaos,’ referring to the formless matter that lacks light.

The interpretation of a horoscope entails “reading” the sky to uncover an order within us beyond our senses. The horoscope can serve as a mirror in which we may perceive ourselves as it appears to us from an external vantage point. Astrology, from this perspective, does not adhere to a scientific perspective in the modern sense of the term but instead presents a complementary worldview to the purely objective approach of contemporary science.

Astrology requires establishing a complex set of astronomical, geographical, and local reference systems that enable the symbolic representation of an individual’s life potential based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth. The resulting image of the sky offers a snapshot of their entire existence or the potential they have to develop. Techniques for dating events are then employed to detail the timeline of their life experiences, not deterministic but rather as a ‘probability cloud,’ borrowing a term from the field of quantum mechanics.

In other words, a specific configuration can symbolise very different events. For instance, a particular configuration could refer to a fierce quarrel or a fall from a bicycle, as both fall under the same symbolic category; in this example, they refer to the third house of the horoscope, which governs communication and travel. The occurrence of either event is dependent on environmental, mental, and psychological circumstances.

In truth, astrology was born as an evolutionary tool and not as a divinatory consolation, but that’s another matter.